Hello friends, today we will learn how to make an android app logo in corel draw. as you all know today's generation are android user. all young guys use android mobile to use internet mostly for social sites. so here we will going to share a tutorial to make an android logo in simple steps.
how to make an android logo in corel draw x5 |
Making of Android Logo Using Corel Draw
first you have to select a Rectangle Tool from toolbox or you can use f6 key from keyboard. and drag it on the page at up to down. and keep select it then select Shape Tool from toolbox or use f10 key. after select shape tool then drag it inside then all corners of rectangle will round. after that we will fill it with Parrot Green colour. again we will select a rectangle tool as we select last time. and drag it left side from first one rectangle and we will round it's bottom corners. after do corners round we wil fill it again with Parrot Green Colour. After that we make a copy of first one Rectangle and put it left side of Second one's. then we will again make a copy for make android logo both leg. now we will again use rectangle tool for make android logo head. select rectangle tool or press f6 key after that use Shape Tool and set this rectangle's Top Right Corner Radius as 20 Px and same as Right Corners. and set it center. then use Elipse tool from toolbox or press f7 for making Eyes of Android logo. now drag it as it's requirement after make one eye of android logo then copy it and put another eye it's. and now we are almost finish now we have to just make it's antena or you can say it's hair as you want to say. so we select Bazier Tool from toolbox or press f5 from keyboard. and keep select ctrl key and drag mouse to make android logo antena. after make one antena copy it and rotate it and put another side.
for better and practical understanding watch this android logo tutorial in hindi, urdu language
for better and practical understanding watch this android logo tutorial in hindi, urdu language
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon